So for Halloween this year, our school decided to celebrate it! They encouraged all of us to wear costumes and hand out candies to the students. We're also encouraged to do fun activities with the younger students in lieu of a regular class.
I really enjoy these celebrations and any time I can get out of teaching a regular class and have fun instead. However, it does mess up with our strict schedule of getting workbook pages done so that means the next class, we'll have to condense it and include all the things we missed before. Still, I think the good outweighs the bad.
Neil and I decided to dress up, him as a devil-vampire and me as a witch. Finding a costume here in Korea is not that easy and with what little time we had, we did the best we could ;P I youtubed some really dark makeup I could do to go with my costume and I think it turned out pretty good. I looked a bit scary but not too ugly. Some students were surprised with my dark makeup and a teacher thought it was more a club look lol. Thanks Kelly. Neil's costume got a look of attention because he wore a short sleeved shirt that showed off his tattoo and he did a dark eye liner around his eyes to look more devilish. Plus the mask he got already made him scary. It was great!
The school went all out and gave us all a jack-o-lantern bucket to put candies in and gave us a bunch of candies to give to the kids. Some of us decided to supplement these candies as well - which turned out to be an ingenious idea because the school ran out of candies after the first three classes and we were all scrambling to find candies to give to the kids! A lot of the middle school students didn't get the handful of candies. I think they would've benefited more since those students seem to lack more energy than the younger ones anyways.
I really wanted to take pictures but was so busy that I could only get a few in. I'm hoping to get some from other teachers. It was a fun day but absolutely exhausting! We were both beat and couldn't wait to rest. Since all the teachers were bombarded by students asking for candies we barely had time to sit between classes.